April 21, 2012

Are you in good hands?

I can’t say No, some times, it’s impossible to say No. It looks like nobody want to listen to your “No”. You could still say No, No to that nonsense; No to that evil; No in your vote; No to election of same shit on different pile, but who’s listening to? You see, every body is busy, busy with some other “No” like: No I can’t do that. No it is against my Principe. No it will damage my future
Don’t think so.
Forget it!
Shot up You, you are here to feed the unemployment fees and my Retirement Treasure
 Nothing else.
Enjoy your day as long you can dud, which I personally prefer and recommend (just imagine, you cold be under rain of bombs in Iraq, Iran, Syria or some where in G Bay alive or desist). Well, you see they tell you No and that’s the only way, this way or they’ll label you in some sort of impossible, incorruptible, terrorist, lower level, Mongolic, black, Braun, dark, gray, Gypsy, Canons food, burning good, handicap, retarded, get rid of hem, stomach-ache, stopped……. did you find your label or should I continue?
Other Example, they will ask you: what is your gender; are you a man or a Woman; how old are you; are you still good for some tacky tacky, you know what I mean.
Well next question is…let me think. Oh ye, are you a “User”?, I mean, do you use every morning some legally easy to buy drugs like Tylenol or Advil, to get ride of some unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of last night Smash, like every Morning.
Are you a user or a looser, I mean could you pay the damage or do you need to be refinanced?

Are you in good hands?

By Damon 

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